.......I wish I was going.
Ever wonder why you are on this planet?
Of all the possible choices when you were asked "WHich planet would you like?" ever wonder WHY you picked this filthy piss hole?
I don't realy have that luxury as I was brought to this rock and I often wonder why this rock was picked of all the other planets out
there. I am quite sure there was a better choice, or maybe I was just susposed to suffer miserably while life that was better went
on around me. I suppose I had it good. My twin brother spent most of his first 15 years in either orphanages or wandering the
streets. Our genotype sister was abandoned at 14 on Coruscant by her adopted family. Of all 14 of us only 5 have come out of
hiding and only 2 of those had even relativly sane lives. Me I grew up with a manipulative controlling bitch for a mother that would
just as soon disown you if you crossed her. But atleast I had food.
Anyway...I know that ppl come and go off this planet, commenly known as Terra4 to offworlders, and well I would like to go. I have a
family on Coruscant that I miss, mostly my twin, my mom and dad and my little brothers. Just incase they do read this here is a
big ol typed hug to all of you. And just for the record, B, they are not noodles its your package or as Kalen calls it your dick.
Untill we meet----MTFBWY